Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Proxemics and Kinesics

Today I am leaving to go home for my brothers wedding. I am beyond ecstatic. I get to see all my nieces and nephew, my mom and dad, and I guess I am pretty excited to see my siblings. As I was getting my suitcase packed I started to let my mind wonder about proxemics and kinesics. I started to think about where my boundaries are and how I respond to someone who stands to close or touches to much. I don't think I have a reaction other than, "Oh, that was nice". A friend of mine just got back from Jordan in December. When he returned he taught Beau and I to kiss once on the right cheek and three times on the left. Most people, I would say, consider this kind of strange in the US. I feel perfectly comfortable with it. One of my best friends has no problem changing in the same room, being in the bathroom at the same time, or sleeping in the same bed. I personally think this is pretty normal among girls who grow up together but it certainly was appalling to my previous bishop. In an interview with my friend (while she was preparing to get married) he suggested that we don't change in the same room. I laughed at the thought of this. Now I realize it is a matter of kinesics. When he thought that was strange and impermissible we found it totally normal.

As I thought about these different scenarios I considered doing a participant observation while I am in the airport, at the temple, and at the wedding and reception. I notice more and more that everyone has their own idea of proxemics and kinesics that they show but without, not always, realizing it. I would like to observe and see how close people stand, how they touch and move, how do people show that they are happy or mad. How do they stand relative to another when they are in different moods. I want to observe people reactions to someone standing too close, to being hugged, or kissed. I am sure my brothers fiance/wife will accept a kiss a little differently than a stranger on the street. Through participating in this observation I will be able to better build the skill for when I am in Bylakuppe, in a new culture and place.

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